Lorain County Free-Net Chapel

Bible Study Discussion Topic

Falling Away to the Antichrist!

June 26, 1995

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Bible Study Questions

  1. What two frightening things does the apostle Paul say will strike the church just before Jesus' return?

  2. What two spirits are, and will be, at work in the world?

  3. The Antichrist is already at work setting up his kingdom. Can you think of some of the ways he is already doing this?

  4. What kind of Christian is most susceptible to this antichrist spirit? What does Paul say about them in 2 Peter?

  5. What temple has the spirit of evil already invaded and why? What does it say about this in the Bible?

  6. Name some of the methods of secular media that the Antichrist has used to influence peoples ways of thinking? What do you think about this and what can you do to help combat it?

  7. Do you think that this same spirit has invaded some of our outwardly good churches? How?

  8. What kind of church is non-threatening to Satan? How do you think this kind of church can be extremely harmful to the people associated with it?

  9. Name two causes by which the spirit of antichrist can overcome an apostate believer.

  10. What are the three ways you can determine whether you have the love of God in your heart? Do any of these failings apply to you?

  11. What will the people, who remain steadfast, do when it comes time for the Antichrist to show himself?

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North Central Ohio, U.S.A.


Last updated July 3, 1999.

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