Bible Study Discussion Topic
America's Golden Calf Is Coming Down!
June 22, 1998
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Bible Study Questions
- What are two of the possible scenarios of the economic holocaust that will
take place in America in the near future?
- What is common between the kingdom of Judah in the time of Manasseh and
modern day America?
- Will the shedding of innocent blood be forgiven? Why will it be worse
for America than it was for Judah?
- God is now shaking the world. Give some instances of this?
- The stock market...Americas golden calf. What will happen to those
who have trusted in it when the Lord brings it crashing down?
- Stockpiling our physical requirements, like candles and dried foods, is
prudent, but what could be the problem underlying this approach?
- How did the stock market crash of the 1850s open church ministries opportunities?
- What kind of revival can we expect when this nation begins to feel the
brunt of God's judgment and wrath?
- What are the manifestations of the work of the Holy Spirit? What
wont he bear witness to?
- How did Samson misuse the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit? What
did he accomplish by all his demonstrations of power?
- How is this a lesson for the church in these last days?
- Saul was slain in the Spirit and lay prostrate before God and prophesied.
Why was it all theatrics in the end?
- Where does the power of the Holy Ghost rest?
- What manifestation of the Spirit will we see when the storm hits?
Who will He use to bring about revival?
- What do both Norman Mailer and Vaclav Havel agree about? Why is this
so amazing?
- How are we to face the coming times and what will it take to be prepared
for the days ahead?
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998
From: Carol L. King
Subject: America's Golden Calf Is Coming Down! David Wilkerson June 22
I am using this Bible study on a personal level. I am currently
seeking to know and recognize the truth, and be "diligent to present"
myself "approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth." I desire to connect myself with
people who are like-minded. There is too much compromising of the
truth going on, and I am too susceptable to being lulled into a stupor
and slumber and "go with the flow", but I desire to come out of that.
I desire truth.
Carol L. King
Copyright © 1999 - The Lorain County Free-Net Chapel
North Central Ohio, U.S.A.
Last page was last updated September 23, 1999.
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